Learning Manual Settings while Backpacking through Vietnam
personal travel blog
I often get asked how I learned the art of photography, and more specifically, manual camera settings. The answer? Endless time spent practicing; forcing myself to shoot in manual settings no matter what situation I was in. I've spent many months backpacking around the world with a camera in hand practicing manual camera settings. It gave me the opportunity to explore new places while fine-tuning the art (without having to worry about missing special moments like a bride walking down the aisle)! The more you practice in different lighting scenarios, unique elements, etc. the more familiar you'll become with how to get an image to look the way you want it in camera. And it’s incredibly rewarding as you start to understand how/which minor adjustments make the greatest impacts on your own unique photography style.
If you’re unsure where to look for education, start with Google and YouTube tutorials. These days, there are a ton of Instagram subscriptions for tips and tricks also. I didn’t use any one resource in particular, but I would spend so much time in certain lighting scenarios abroad, just continuously adjusting different settings and studying the impact. Then, if/when I had access, I’d look to the internet for answers on what wasn’t making sense. :) Please feel free to contact me if you are needing inspiration or help with any camera settings!
Vietnam was a country earlier in my adventures where everything really started clicking for me. I couldn’t name a more beautiful place to have this experience.